OFF: Now I've seen everything (at the thriftshop)

Jonathan C. Sitte
Mon Mar 10 16:33:01 2003

On 2003, March 10, Monday 09:24, Rob Brandt wrote:
> Quoting Steve Guiwits <>:
> Their pricing is unpredictable; they have no idea what they're doing.  =
> also are now selling a PowerBook 145 for $99.  Go figure.  The two deal=
> above were priced that way (I'm sure) because they didn't know how to
> evaluate them.  With the abscence of a Mac monitor, the G3s wouldn't bo=
> so I'm sure they thought they were dead.  Same with the monitor.  No ma=
c to
> power it and they thought it was dead.  None were. :')

You are so luck :p
