What is up yellowdog buddies?

yellowdog-general@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com yellowdog-general@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Mon Mar 10 16:46:01 2003

i think yellowdog 3.0 needs
a DVD player.
chess game
would it be posible to have it preset with setting more useful for mac us=
eg internal modems and keyboards.
there needs to be british english dictionaries for the spell checkers. an=
probably other languages
something needs to be done about playing audio cds digitally on iMacs and=
other newer hardware, Kscd, and gcd are pretty useless to me.
flash and java.
could there be a proposed package list made and published for comments?
would it be possible to have a utility that imported fonts from a macos=20
partition? or has this already been done?

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