What is up yellowdog buddies?

Markus Deistler yellowdog-general@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Tue Mar 11 09:45:01 2003

On Tue, 2003-03-11 at 01.24 Jonathan C. Sitte wrote:

> Any other things missing? Anyone like playing games on YDL? We should port 

Yes, the Xsun-derivate Xpmac-Xserver, please. All versions of
Xpmac-3.3.6 (rev10/11/20b) run in an "XF4.x-environment"...

XFree86-4.2/3 is pretty useless on certain oldworld-Powermacs (just
16bit, unaccelerated, or simply not working at all - eg. mach64-based
boards with IBM-RAMDAC).

Best Regards, Markus