old dogs...new tricks?

r.sesser yellowdog-general@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Sat Mar 15 19:11:00 2003

Rick Thomas wrote:

> PS -- I don't think there is a mini-Linux version for PPC, but it 
> shouldn't be impossible to do (start with YDL and throw out anything 
> you don't need).   Set up a web server (another thing to do with an 
> "obsolete" machine) and make it available to the world.  Looks good on 
> a resume! 

I wouldn't recommend YDL for a mini-Linux setup. I just installed Gentoo 
(www.gentoo.org) and this is as close to LFS as it gets for the PPC (me 
thinks). It's a great concept and you learn a lot from the process. It 
does take a while to compile an entire system (eg. KDE 3.1 alone took 
around 36hrs to build on my G4 733 with gcc 3.2.1), but the benefits 
from a system that's compiled on your own hardware is pretty 
slick...fast too.

My two cents...

> PPS -- There are distributions of BSD that run on the old Motorola 
> Macs.  It doesn't have to be Linux to be "useful or interesting".  
> Remember, BSD originally ran on a 1MHz PDP-11 with 128K of RAM.  Your 
> Mac classic is bigger than that!

Indeed, in fact I beleive NetBSD has a really compact install...I think 
they've installed it on several game consoles for shits and giggles and 
I couldn't imagine that those consoles could have a very large capacity 
(HD space).

Then again, I talk out of my arse on a regular basis ;)
