old dogs...new tricks?

Andrew Stout yellowdog-general@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Sat Mar 15 23:53:01 2003

On Saturday, March 15, 2003, at 09:10 PM, Marcelo Pena wrote:

> I found YDL 2.2 very easy to install on a PPC7200/120 with 48MB of RAM 
> and 2GB HD. The YDL 2.2 CD will boot a 7200 (I don't think the YDL 2.3 
> CD works as well). Don't install any

now, is that indicative of unfriendly changes in the whole distro, or 
just in the installer?  Do I need to stick to an older kernel, for 
example, or is it just that the 2.2 CD was better, but once installed 
you could upgrade to more current stuff?
Will X be okay if it's just, say, blackbox or fvwm (as opposed to 
Enlightenment or KDE or Gnome)?  While I'll grant that you don't need X 
on your web server, I'd be a little disappointed if "breathing new life 
into old hardware" came at the cost of any kind of GUI...

Anyway, I got the 7300/180 (2G HD, 32Mb RAM), and my coworker took the 
7200/120...still eager to hear success or horror stories, suggestions, 
tips, etc.  Also:  upgrade card for this machine (say, 400MHz 
G4)...great deal or waste of $230?
