Mini distro

Sun Mar 16 11:12:07 2003

I have two G3, plus a powerbook wallstreet.
none with macosX. I tried macos9 for one : beurk !
so, all are with 8.6 ... and YellowDogLinux.

I've had a Nubus 6200 but this poor dear, just after having hardly (Ò 
combien!) tasted Linux-YellowDog, she suddenly decided not to survive 
longer my surgical operations on her...
Last week I was given a 7500. I've put into her the 6200's hardisk, plus 
an ex-usb one, and plus RAM (64). I'm going to try Debian, just for the 
fun since I don't think this Woody could fit my new old-Mac.

I'd want something like the YDL on my 7500, yes !, but without all these 
problems I've had *not only* with the Nubus install but also with the 
YDL install on my two G3 BlueWhite.

I'd want a genius distrib to accept :
- that even a new-world mac could run with my "old-fashioned" 
preferences (no macosX, and bootX unstead of yaboot, for example)
- that people would be glad to install it on their old "junk" as well 
as, I mean easy the same, on their... euh, on what it suposed to be 
New-world (new-junk?;)

merci d'avoir understood my sosso-englich propos ;o)

[bb@bbux bb] killall VIH | no need to su to do so

PS2: bize mam' !