This List

gary shelton
Tue Mar 18 15:09:00 2003

I certainly hope they don't move this mailing list to some kind of 
webboard. I like the fact that using my own email client, I can organize 
and navigate messages in a way that's intuitive for me. I think that 
lack of search capability reflects more on the choice of email client 
versus the email format. i mean, even if you used mh to read your mail, 
you could always write a shell script or a perl program to dig through 
your mbox file...

So if votes are being tallied, my vote is to remain mailing list 
oriented... that gives me the most control over the content.

Just my $0.02 USD


Drew Lane wrote:

> I was just curious if there has been any discussion of moving
> this list to a web BBS type system, or do people prefer to
> receive emails?
> I prefer web based bulletin boards because they are easy
> to navigate and locate the topics you are interested in.  I
> think they generally provide better and more meaningful
> search capabilities, too.
> Also, it makes it harder for people to grab your email address
> and spam you.
> I don't care much for yahoo groups, but I know there is some
> really good BBS software, and many are free.  In particual
> I think the Invision Board has a lot of nice features.
> Regards,
> Drew
> _______________________________________________
> yellowdog-general mailing list