Recommended upgrade method

Romeyn Prescott
Wed Mar 19 13:40:12 2003

At 9:50 PM -0700 3/18/03, Dan Burcaw scribbled:
>Short answer: reinstall from scratch if you can. It will be much better.
>Long answer: you may be able to apt-get install once the YDL 3 RPMS/SRPMS
>are up on the mirror sites in a few weeks.

I admit that I don't know ANYTHING about this, so I ask out of 
sincere, genuine curiosity which is not necessarily angst-ridden over 
having to zarch my box and re-install stuff (most notably qmail) if I 
choose to go with YDL 3.0:

Why has YDL never been upgradable?  I've been upgrading a RedHat Box 
since 6.2 and the "upgrade existing system" option has always been 

Maybe this is (excuse the pun) Apples and Oranges (hats and dogs?), 
but would you explain for a humble USER (as opposed to a programmer) 
why Yellow Dog's never been able to pull this off?

I thank you for your continued development of a wonderful product and 
look forward to seeing the new 3.0 which I will install, 
upgrade-ability notwithstanding.
