Recommended upgrade method

Dan Burcaw
Wed Mar 19 13:45:01 2003

> I admit that I don't know ANYTHING about this, so I ask out of 
> sincere, genuine curiosity which is not necessarily angst-ridden over 
> having to zarch my box and re-install stuff (most notably qmail) if I 
> choose to go with YDL 3.0:
> Why has YDL never been upgradable?  I've been upgrading a RedHat Box 
> since 6.2 and the "upgrade existing system" option has always been 
> there.

Red Hat actually ships code in rpm and other things that allows upgrades 
to work.  This special code allows certain dependency problems to just 
"vanish". It's black magic.. and frankly, they still have to do this even 
though they put much thought into the upgrade issue.  
