Black Magick (was: rant)

Angela Kahealani
Thu Mar 27 18:42:01 2003

On Thu, 2003-03-27 14:49, Beartooth wrote:
> 	Maybe <he said through teeth gritted hard -- very hard> [...]
> Can some wizard put a curse against the maker 
> on every electron it touches? That might make this fun ...

I would suggest that the probability of actually experiencing
as "fun" the negative consequences of negative creation
approaches nil for all those but the masochistic. For a much
more fun creation, may I recommend intending that the
manufacturer sees the light, fixes the problems, and issues
a free factory recall / upgrade? 

The combination of asserting that you have been victimized,
followed by further self victimization through self-disempowerment
with the assertion that you need to enlist the assistance of
a wizard to help you implement black magic in order to
accomplish the victimization of your victimizer, is all just a
self-indulgent wallowing in self pity and the righteous
indignation one is enabled to assert against "the victimizer".

You could choose to learn the lesson from OTHER people's
experience so well expressed in: "What goes around, comes around."
Or, with such great dedication you show to the victimization game,
you can proceed to deeply enter the realm of negative karma,
until the lesson is inescapably in your face in your own direct

Me, I enlighten and empower... so I enlighten you to the facts of the 
operation of karma, and empower you to cease being a victim, or a victimizer, 
by reminding you that IN FACT, YOU ARE a wizard youself, and that you could 
apply your skill and energy into creating for yourself and those in your life 
a better and more fun reality than "let's play the victim game" that you've
already created with your wizard powers. 

On the other hand, direct and immediate application of:
"Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me"
combined with the POSSIBILITY that your target really IS a
victimizer in the collective reality as well as in your personally
created reality, would indicate that you indeed give them not
one penny more, and walk away with the lesson for the investment
of your $, and get on with supporting manufacturers and vendors
who do in fact operate with integrity and ethics. In that case,
thanks for the heads-up!

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