TSS BoxerATX Availibility?

nathan r. hruby yellowdog-general@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Fri Mar 28 11:35:01 2003


A few weeks ago I got a quote for a BoxerATX rackmount from TSS.  Today 
the funding was approved; however, it appears from the TSS that the 
BoxerATX line is not currently availible and there are no oders being 
taken.  Anyone got an info on when they might be availible?  I'd be happy 
to preorder one and wait a bit if needed, but I need to spend the funding 
sooner rather than later.

The BoxerATA was a snazy looking machine for my purpose (Mailman Server)
and the price was darn nice, plus I was supporting YDL.  I'm currently 
looking at a Penguin Computing Relion 105 which is about the same in price 
and seems ok but I like YDL and was hoping for a fire and forget 
single task server.

Anyone using the Briq for serving duty?  how the hell do you rackmount it?

nathan hruby <nathan@drama.uga.edu>
computer services specialist
uga drama