YDL & router -- progress, maybe

Ron McCall yellowdog-general@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Sun Mar 30 14:12:01 2003

On Sun, Mar 30, 2003 at 10:06:01AM -0800, Beartooth wrote:
> 	Oops! No, I have to do dhcp. I'll try all the rest anyway, 
> except that I'll make BOOTPROTO=dhcp, and see what happens. 

I would be interested to hear if it is just that simple.  I've seen talk
about dhcpcd and some others but I forget now if that's only for dialup
connections or what.

> 	I've gotten the impression sequence doesn't matter here , so
> long as all the lines are what they should be. If that's wrong, somebody 
> please set me straight.

Right.  The network file and ifcfg-* files are just simple variable
assignments.  They can go in whatever order you want (unless, of course,
one variable uses the value of another, not typical though).

> 	I'm by no means sure how much of this I understand. WEP is
> supposedly off, on the advice of someone else on this list; I reported
> on that. I added in ESSID= with the name on my router.

That is all you should need for now.

> 	I made the changes above. Then I tried /sbin/modprobe myessid
> (though I don't think I understand what modprobe is or does);  it said
> it couldn't locate it. Then I did /sbin/iwconfig eth1 essid myessid ; it
> put me back to the prompt with no change. I did netstat -rn; no change.
> Then /etc/rc.d/init.d/network stop, which shutdown eth0 and eth1; then
> /etc/rc.d/init.d/network start.

The modprobe command is for loading kernel modules, like the airport
driver.  It should already be loaded automatically due to an "alias eth1
airport" in your /etc/modules.conf file.  You shouldn't need to mess
with this (you could verify via lsmod that your airport module is
already loaded just to be sure though).

You won't see any direct effects of iwconfig.  It doesn't change routing
or any of that stuff, it just configures your wireless interface

> 	That set up network parameters and brought up lo and eth0 -- but 
> "Determining IP information for eth1 ... Operation failed." (But ppp1 
> succeeded,
> 	Am I just even more stupefacted than usual today?? One thing I
> don't understand is when the actual entries in these files are supposed
> to have one or another kind of quotes around them, and when not. Usage
> on this list seems to vary -- or there's something else that I alone 
> don't know ...

The failure on eth1 may very well may be due to a DHCP problem.  Can you
try static IP first and then worry about DHCP later?  I think you can
just pick a low numbered IP address like since the DHCP
server in the router usually starts at and counts up, if I
remember correctly.

I'm not sure you want that ppp interface coming up.  You may want to
set its ONBOOT parameter to NO (do you have an ifcfg-ppp1 file?).  I
haven't messed around with PPP either.

Quotes are only necessary if you have spaces or other special characters
in values.  Usually you don't have such special characters so you
needn't quote any of it.  If you're unsure, enter the variable
assignment on the command line (e.g. DEVICE=eth1) and then echo the
variable back to make sure it is right (echo $DEVICE).
