YDL stop accepting connections from an external IP

yellowdog-general@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com yellowdog-general@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Mon Mar 31 12:38:01 2003

I have a YDL 2.3 server running on a Powermac 7200.  Users are having issues connecting to Apache.  This server has two ethernet cards, on to a cable modem the other to a hub.  There are a couple PC on the hub, and the server runs IPtables nat for these PC's. The server seems to almost randomly stop incoming traffic from external IPs.  But not everyone.  For example if I get blocked using my cable modem, I can switch over to dial up and get back into the server.  When this happens I can not even ping the server from the blocked IP address.  Sometimes the ip can get access in 20 or so min, or sometimes it won't start working until the server is restarted.  The internal PC's can always get to the server and internet and are not affected by this problem.  This is a pretty vanilla install, I have run apt-get to upgrade everything to the latest patches.  I am stumped at this point!