Two mounting questions

Stefan Bruda
Sun May 4 21:46:01 2003

At 23:08 -0400 on 2003-5-4 S.M.Kelly wrote:
 > I now have OS9 on hda9 using HFS, and OSX on hda10 using HFS+.  I
 > can mount my hda9 fine now, but I want to change the permissions in
 > fstab to enable any user to read and write to the partition as well
 > as have it automount.  This partition will be my go-between for my
 > OS's.

This does not solve your problem completely, but to my knowledge is
the closest solution possible.  Put a line like this in fstab:

/dev/hda9    /mnt/macos    hfs     noauto,user     1  2

It means that the partition is not automatically mounted at boot time,
and is user mountable.  In other words, any user can do

    mount /mnt/macos

Of course, whomever mounts it owns all the files and directories on
it, the disadvantage being that you cannot have any two users mounting
it at the same time (and thus having both write access to it
simultaneously).  Read access is on the other hand universal (as long
as somebody mounts it) since the Linux HFS module attaches 655 as
permissions to everything on a HFS partition.

I am not aware of any way to change permissions on a HFS volume, it is
probably not possible (I believe that the HFS filesystem does not have
support for file ownership and permissions, but then I could be wrong
just as well since I am not familiar with the HFS format).

Hope this helps,

If it was so, it might be; and if it were so, it would be; but as
it isn't, it ain't. That's logic.
    --Lewis Carroll, Through the Looking-Glass