YD3.0 Install errors

Charlie Farinella yellowdog-general@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Tue May 13 09:10:01 2003

Hi I'm new to Yellow Dog Linux, and Linux on the PPC in general.

I have installed  YD 3.0 on a white iMac G3 500.  During the install I
got a red screen with a bunch of 'can't access memory location'
messages, but the installation continued and I allowed it to proceed.  I
now have a Linux installation that functions with X11.  It hangs
periodically, and won't allow me to build certain packages (mod_perl for
instance), so suspecting some kind of corruption during the install, I
tried to reinstall.

Attempting to run the installation again from the cd either as a new
install, or as 'install rescue' gets me this:

python2.2: Objects/dictobject.c:368:insertdict:Assertion `mp->ma_lookup
!= ((void *)0)' failed

install exited abnormally -- recieved signal 6

I have tried to reinstall the Mac OS, both versions 9 and 10 (X) without
success.  It's as if they don't see the hard drive.

Can anyone shed some light on what the error message means?

Charlie Farinella, Appropriate Solutions, Inc.