Powerbook 2400 PCMCIA

Greg Torok yellowdog-general@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Tue May 27 21:34:01 2003

I already posted this to the newbie list with no results.

Does anyone have information on getting PCMCIA support working on a 
Powerbook 2400 running YDL 3.0 (installed from CD)?

I tried editing the etc/pcmcia/config.opts and etc/sysconfig/pcmcia 
using the information I found at:


but still no go.

In KDE's System Info the PCI bus shows that the PCMCIA interface is 
there and shows the memory and IRQ and all of that, but System Info 
always shows "PCMCIA not detected."

I also took a look at someone's PB G4 config.opts file, but didn't see 
anything different there. I tried those settings too but no luck.

Is there something I'm missing? Is there something else to install?


Greg Torok