Powerbook G4 12' and X11

Machina yellowdog-general@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Wed Nov 26 10:56:02 2003

After spending quite a bit of time yesterday searching on the internet and on
the yellowdog website I've still been unable to find a recommended X11 driver
for my new Powerbook G4 12'.  The yellowdog website says it supports this model
and even lists the correct video card (NVIDIA GeForce FX Go5200 with 32MB of
DDR SDRAM) but at no point does it give a recommendation for what driver to use
since there doesn't seem to be one currently available for the exact card.  I
also tried the default setting provided upon install, but still no luck.

Any advice other than just selecting the standard SVGA driver? (Or is that my
only hope?)


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