YDL 3.0.1 boot from issue.

Gavin Hemphill yellowdog-general@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Wed Nov 26 13:14:02 2003

This is true, I'm glad you're such an expert on powerpc machines that 
you know how do do a configure which doesn't require any modules since 
the default config files build almost everything as modules.

yiding_wang@agilent.com wrote:
> Thansk for the response!
> Actually I think that making modules is different from making kernel, at least it is true on x86 environmet.  As long as all components needed are being selected as kernel component instead of module, then kernel make is being considered complete. Make modules is for those componets being selected as module. 
> Is anything different under PPC environment or I misunderstood the making process?
> Thanks!
> Eddie