Powerbook 17" rev 2 support (ATI card)

yellowdog-general@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com yellowdog-general@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Sat Nov 29 03:19:02 2003


There's an issue with the latest 3.0.1 isos on the Powerbook 17" revision 2
machines: the display is slightly different in the latest model which causes
flicker/interlacing/snow on the display (both in the console as in X). As i
understand it, this is a kernel issue. Are there any details on when a new
kernel with a fix for this will become available?

On a side note, i saw that there's a new yaboot which now supports the G5 and
the latest aluminium powerbooks. I know the latest isos use OpenFirmware. What's
the different between these two? Will yaboot be used (eventually) for the new



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