How do I share DSL from my YD Linux computer?

Longman, Bill
Wed Oct 8 14:04:01 2003

> For my own hobbiest purposes, I might make my Wallstreet running YDL 
> into the "extra machine," just for the learning experience (I 
> assume I 
> can still use the machine for desktop purposes while the NAT/DHCP is 
> running in the background).

Dr. Old MacDonald,

I have used shorewall firewall on several machines now and highly recommend
it. It's basically a [relatively] nice front-end processor for iptables. You
edit some config files, telling it which interfaces are the good ones and
which ones are the bad ones. Then you tell it what services you want to
allow through the firewall and how the NAT should work. When you start the
service, it applies the correct iptable entries for you.

Pyruvate kinase-ly yours,
