External monitor on powerbook

Michael Baer yellowdog-general@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Tue Oct 21 16:20:01 2003

>>>>> "Andrei" == Andrei Smirnov <andrei@cemrweb.cemr.wvu.edu> writes:

    Andrei> I wonder if there's a solution for output to external
    Andrei> monitor on powerbook G4 running YDL? I saw similar
    Andrei> questions in this list, but did not find any answers. Is
    Andrei> this issue still unresolved?

I have had mirroring working on my (older) G4 Ti PB with both Yellow
Dog 2+ and 3. Try looking at


Search for mirr, there's a link to the source/binary of an application
called m3mirror which can control mirroring with Rage128 PB's.

I think dual head may also be possible, but I haven't done this as it
looked like (it was a while ago that a saw a comment about it, and I
don't remember where, possibly on the XFree web page) it would require
kernel patching and X building and still might not work ;).

