No CDROM issues mentioned at YDL Support

Chris Gehlker
Fri Oct 31 19:26:01 2003

On Oct 31, 2003, at 6:59 PM, C Boughton wrote:

> I couldn't find any mention of CDROM issues in the support page.  The 
> first item on the list (currently) is to do with Panther.  Maybe I was 
> too late with my follow-up, I've been away from my computer for a few 
> days.  Any other pointers?

Oops. I responded to the rest of the post and missed this question. 
Here is how to resolve the CDROM issue.

1) Log in as root. Don't just use su because if you  do, pdisk won't be 
in your PATH.
2) Run pdisk -l. This will identify the entries in /dev that correspond 
to your cds/dvds by telling you that they have no media.
3) just make symbolic links from /dev/cdrom and/or dev/dvd to the 
correct files.