mozilla weirdness

Michael Molino
Wed Sep 3 10:06:01 2003

> I'd also check the contents of prefs.js are actually getting updated.
> 	[ken@byteme 6yt1x7sr.slt]$ grep "warn_submit_insecure" prefs.js
> 	user_pref("security.warn_submit_insecure", false);
> 	[ken@byteme 6yt1x7sr.slt]$
> 	<launch mozilla and change the preference>
> 	<run the above command again>
> 	<close mozilla>
> 	<run the above command again>

Thanks for the tip.  The preferences were ok, but when looking through the 
file I noticed for whatever reason it was being truncated (the last line was 
obviouslly chopped off in the middle).  I noticed a prefs.bak in the same 
folder with about twice as many lines so I'm using tha instead and it works 
just fine now.

I've run out of disk space several times recently.  Maybe I updated my prefs 
while downloading something big????  Can't wait to get my shiny new 200 GB HD 
installed :)

Michael Molino
AIM: NobodysHero01
"Embrace this moment.  Remember.  We are eternal.  All this pain is an 