Future of YDL

Chris Croome yellowdog-general@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Sat Sep 27 08:08:01 2003


On Sat 27-Sep-2003 at 01:48:56AM -0400, Roberto J. Dohnert wrote:
> Will future releases of YDL be based on Fedora Core or will YDL take a 
> different development path, such as change the codebase to a different 
> distribution or whats the plan?

Good question.

I expect that it won't be long before fedora starts being ported
to other architectures, including ppc, whatever YellowDog does...  
freshrpms.net builds RPMS for YD as well as RedHat already...

I'm sure that people at Terra Soft have been doing a lot of thinking
about what Redhat is doing...

Personally I think RedHat are doing the right thing :-)


Chris Croome                               <chris@webarchitects.co.uk>
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web content management                               http://mkdoc.com/