Where is MOL?

Kenneth Browne yellowdog-general@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Sat Apr 17 08:30:06 2004

cross posted to general and newbies lists

Eric Schwarzkopf wrote:
> When I installed YDL 2.3 on my PPC should it have or did it install MOL (Mac
> On Linux), if so where or how can I access Mac OS9 desktop using MOL while
> I'm in Linux?

Ken Browne adds:
When I installed YDL 3.0.3 on *my* PPC 5500/225 should it have or did it 
install MOL (Mac On Linux), if so where or how can I access Mac OS9 
desktop using MOL while I'm in Linux?

I might add, I went to the MOL website (link below) 
and tried some of the commands with varying results...
"No mol-0.0.69 kernel modules corresponging to the running 2.4.22-2f 
kernel were found"
startmol --list gives "Running kernel: 2.4.22-2f
Available modules:
	2.4.22-2fsmp-smp	in /usr/lib/mol/0.9.69"

So apparently it's there. :-) I also tried startmol -a and got

No kernel module suitable for this kernel wsas found. The MOL kernel 
modules must be recompiled (ref to above website)

so I tried downloading an updated binary and kernel module (v# is 
0.9.70-3 There's an RPM for the binary but no the kmod so I tried 
unsuccessfully to follow the instructions to recompile.
At every (or almost every) step the commands are prefaced in bold by 
"bash$"  What's that all about? I remember from earlier experiments on 
an x86 Mandrake install that bash is a program (runs scripts?) but it 
just seems to confuse the issue having it in the user guide at MOL.ORG

Now I've got a folder mol-0.9.70 on my root desktop. I'm guessing I 
should move it to the path mentioned above
> Available modules:
> 	2.4.22-2fsmp-smp	in /usr/lib/mol/0.9.69
and remove the 0.9.69 stuff

How do I...in simple newbie terms...recompile the source rpm for the 
kmod? Once that's done, will it go to the same path as above?

Thanks for reading and hope someone can offer some help.

Oh yeah, Since OS9 (9.2.2 with help from OS9 Helper) is installed on the
Mac side will MOL access that installation or will it be necessary to 
install Mac OS and applications on the Linux side (sort of like Virtual 
PC uses a big file for Windows and all its apps)?
****************Ken Browne*********************
clacking the keys in Old Sturbridge Village, MA
		        ***    ***

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