After successfull install: Mozilla doesn't work...
Tue, 24 Aug 2004 22:00:43 -0600

OK, this time I ran "sh -x mozilla -profilemanager" and got the following 
+ ./ ./mozilla-bin -profilemanager 
./mozilla-bin: error while loading shared libraries: 
c annot open shared object file: No such file or directory 
+ exitcode=127 
Now I need to find out how to upgrade the system, since when I tried yum, I 
got this result: 
$ yum update 
Gathering header information file(s) from server(s) 
Server: Yellow Dog Linux 4.0 Base 
Error - /var/cache/yum/base/ cannot be found 
Please ask your sysadmin to update the headers on this system. 
Quoting Greg Hamilton <>: 
> Try running the bin directly, hopefully you'll get an error message. It  
> could also be interesting to see what the mozilla script is doing. I  
> made a copy of it in my home directory and added the -x option to sh  
> (ie. change the first line to read #!/bin/sh -x). This makes sh output  
> each command it executes so even though there's no error message I can  
> see what the script is doing, which is quite a lot actually. 

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