audio cd writing

Sam Tygier samtygier at
Wed Dec 8 03:10:17 MST 2004

does audio cd burning work in ydl 4 ?

i just tried and it made a disk the does not sound anything close to audio (and not like an endien problem (i have heard enough of them)). also my machine started crawlling afterwards, is it related? cpu monitor claimed 100%, top had a coule of process at around 2% and didn't total more than 5%, and the memory monitor was about full, but swap was pretty much un touched, again could not be accounted for in top.

the k3b site says audio burning can't work with kernel 2.6.8

has anyone got it to work? have terrasoft backported a patch from 2.6.9? will yum ever offer me yummy upgrades?


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