Keyboard or vi problem with YDL4 on OldWorld

David Wadson wadson at
Wed Dec 29 10:14:14 MST 2004

Now that our busy season is over, I've gotten back to installing 
YDL4 onto some OldWorld machines - some Power Mac 4400/200s 
in particular (
yellowdog-general/2004-December/016789.html) By increasing 
the RAM from 64MB to 80MB the text installer did work this time. I 
did a very basic GUI interface at all, and a lot of extras 
like Apache removed. I had to hack the comps.xml file in order to 
get rid of that stuff as the text installer doesn't give an option to 
select individual packages.

After getting the machine installed and running I've noticed a 
peculiarity with vi that is making it difficult for me to edit files. For 
some reason vi 6.2 on YDL4 doesn't behave the same as vi 6.1 on 
YDL3. For instance, if I hit "i" to go into insertion mode, it doesn't 
display "-- INSERT --" at the bottom of the screen and the cursor 
keys don't work properly - if I hit them, insert mode turns off. The 
delete keys don't work as they did either. Things are just wacky 
and it's next to impossible to edit a file.

Given that YDL4 was geared towards NewWorld machines, is there 
some USB keyboard related thing that could be causing this or is it 
a vi thing? Given that the keyboard seems to work fine for just 
entering commands at the bash prompt it seems like it's just vi. 

Any suggestions?


Dave Wadson
IT Manager
The Chronicle-Journal

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