Disconnections from yum

Greg Hamilton yellowdog-general@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Wed Feb 4 14:35:02 2004

> When I inserted the URL for the mirror site, yum finds a different set 
> of files it appears, as it then downloads a few other headers and then 
> carries on. If these are mirrors, shouldn't the data be the same on 
> both and shouldn't it recognize the fact that certain headers have 
> already been downloaded and aren't required again? I started using the 
> YDL site but got bumped off too many times when it got to downloading 
> the rpms that I switched to a mirror. Should this not work?
> yum also doesn't give any indication that it's doing anything while 
> downloading, leaving me wondering sometimes if it's hung or just 
> downloading a larger file...

Have a look in /var/cache/yum. You'll find a directory for each 
repository named in /etc/yum.conf. Each of these directories contains a 
headers directory with all the headers retrieved from that repository. 
If you add a new repository yum will download all the headers it finds 
there even if it already has an identical header stored for a different 