Variation on sharing files

Paul N. Schatz
Thu Feb 12 22:16:02 2004

	I have yellowdog on partitions of one internal hard drive and 
Debian Linux on partitions of another internal hard drive on the same 
Mac.  I would like to access Debian files from yellowdog.  Can I 
simply mount and access the Debian partitions?


At 1:05 PM -0500 2/12/04, Chris Ruprecht wrote
>Of course, there is ... this is the UNIX world, remember? This is what
>everybody else is copying from ... ;-).
>It's called NFS - Network File System
>You define the directories you want to share to to whom you want to share them
>to on machine A using the /etc/export file.
>Here is a sample entry, world read/writeable:
>/home/common        *(rw)
>Then, you mount the directory on machine B with:
>mount -t nfs A:/home/common /home/common
>For this to work, machine A must be running nfs. To switch it on, you would
>service nfs start
>You can make a link from your nfs script to your runlevel directory on machine
>A, so it always starts up NFS. Then you can make an entry in /etc/fstab on
>machine B to always auto-mount the directory on startup.
>Best regards,
Paul Schatz
Chem Dept
University of Virginia