r-c-n sux?

Stefan Jeglinski yellowdog-general@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Mon Feb 23 17:04:01 2004

In the past, I've always set up my networking by hand (iBook G3/800 
with airport). But for some testing, I need to have a large number of 
different types of network configs that I want to switch between 
rapidly. For example, airport via dhcp, airport via manual, ethernet 
via dhcp, ethernet via manual, airport and ethernet together, 
different host names, getting dns via a dhcp server, or assigning dns 
servers manually, the list goes on.

I tried redhat-config-network for the first time today and boy does 
anyone else think it really sucks? First, it thinks that airport is 
ethernet and sungem is wireless, and I can't seem to make it think 
otherwise, even after deleting everything and starting over. Once I 
figured out what was going on there, I could not get it to create 
different profiles that were not polluted by other profiles. And, 
sometimes it would tell me I needed to restart the network even 
though I had not changed profiles, and vice versa. I just don't like 
it because I can't seem to tame it. I have the latest version from 
the YDL repositories via yum.

Is there any good "location manager" (in Mac speak) for Linux out 
there? (A quick search on fresh meat found none, or maybe it was a 
bad keyword search). Lacking that, what strategies or scripts would 
people like to share that yield quick and easy control over the 2 
interfaces to the network?

Stefan Jeglinski