Dual boot ydl and OS X

Greg Hamilton yellowdog-general@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Wed Feb 25 18:50:02 2004

> Did not try this, but how about having
>     macos=/dev/hdaXX
>     macosx=/dev/hdaXX
> in your yaboot.conf (with XX the common OS X/OS 9 partition).  Since
> the two boot in different ways from OF, it should work (again, I have
> not tried it though).
> Should you try it, let up know what happens.

I ran ybin to restore yaboot. The yaboot prompt is displayed at startup 
again. If I choose Linux it boots into YDL. If I choose MacOS or MacOS 
X it boots into whichever version of MacOS is selected as the 'Startup 
Disk' for that partition. If I change the 'Startup Disk' for OS 9 or OS 
X then yaboot is hosed again.

If I ever need to rebuild the system I'll partition the drive 
differently. In the meantime I'll just boot into Linux and use MOL to 
run OS 9 / OS X on the odd occasion I want to.