yaboot boots os x, not linux, b&w g3

mascarasnake yellowdog-general@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Thu Jul 1 14:27:03 2004

hey Jeffrey, scroll on down.

Jeffrey Bruton wrote:
> I can and did get yaboot to work via the OF command "boot hd:2,\\:tbxi"
> The machine does boot to yaboot by default. So from the boot prompt I  
> could issue a full OF path to kernel.
> Snipped from penguinppc.org yaboot-howto
> ==================================
> 9.3 Manually Loading a Kernel Image
> Once you have the boot: prompt, you can enter a label defined in your  
> yaboot.conf to boot that kernel image. Or instead of a label, you can  
> enter a full OpenFirmware path. A typical kernel path might be
>          boot: hd:3,/vmlinux
>  To pass parameters to the kernel, add them on to the boot: prompt line  
> after the kernel label or path. You'll need to specify root= as a  
> minimum, but you can add any kernel parameters desired. Here's an  example;
>          boot: hd:3,/vmlinux root=/dev/hda3 ro
> ================================
> End of snip
> This is the point at which I am at, correct me if I am wrong please, I  
> need a full path to the kernel to pass on at the boot prompt. This is  
> where I tried ide0:2,/vmlinux

I'm assuming that you are doing this from yaboot. Try replacing 'ide0' 
with 'ultra1'. 'ultra1' *should* be the alias to your secondary drive. 
from there fix the paths in your yaboot.conf to reflect the paths you've 
  learned. Don't forget to run ybin when you're through. I used to get 
so excited when I got things going again, that I would forget to run 
ybin and be back at square one. I would double check this for you, but , 
alas, I wanted a nice crisp YDL 4 install on my B&W so I made a nice 
crisp blank partition to put it on. Halfway tempted to reinstall 3.0.1, 
;-). If this doesn't work, do a 'devalias' from the OF. this should be 
able to give you an idea what the secondary drive is (it may actually be 

> I thought that would be the secondary ide conroller, master disk  
> "ide0", second partition ":2", and path to kernel "/vmlinux".  I don't  
> know about kernel parameters, and really if ide0 is really going to  
> work if the correct parameters are coupled with it.
> I hope this is clearer now, it's almost there. I found the yaboot info  
> on penguinppc.org via the same link you sent me, good resources,  thanks.


     It's what you make it man
     Takes time
     A little bit
     A little bit more

             -The Minutemen
