yaboot boots os x, not linux, b&w g3

Jeffrey Bruton yellowdog-general@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Fri Jul 2 12:19:02 2004

Maybe if I understood the syntax better I would have been able to hack 
the right OF path-to-kernel, but not as of yet.

my devalias output had the following:

ide0     /pci/@d/mac-io/ata-3@2000
cd        /pci/@d/mac-io/ata-3@2000/disk@0
zip       /pci/@d/mac-io/ata-3@2000/disk@1

ide1      /pci/@d/pci-ata@1/ata-4@0
hd         /pci/@d/pci-ata@1/ata-4@0/disk0
ultra0    /pci/@d/pci-ata@1/ata-4@0/disk0
utlra1    /pci/@d/pci-ata@1/ata-4@0/disk1

ultra1:2,/vmlinux did not work, I also tried variations on this, as 
well as ultra0 variations.

before I continue hacking at this I think I need to understand what 
this path is saying, let me try

ultra1:2   <-- this is an alias to the second partition on disk1
,/vmlinux   <-- the path to the linux kernel on that partition

In the output of yaboot I got

Unable to open file, Invalid device.

I tried the full OF path from devalias with the full kernel name which 
I assumed would be the same as the error output from above


no go. Well, this is where it stands now, not too sure what to do, 
going to reread some documentation and see if something clicks, thanks 
for all the help so far