Recompiling current kernel for advanced routing

David Wadson
Tue Jul 6 03:59:01 2004

I've gotten YDL 3.0 (2.4.20-8d kernel) running on a Power Mac 4400 
which I want to use as a load balancing router. However, in order to 
use Linux Advanced Routing and Traffic Control (LARTC), the kernel 
needs to be compiled with Advanced Routing enabled, which by default it 
isn't. The system I have is running totally fine for me, configured as 
it was by the YDL installer - I simply want to take that exact 
configuration and recompile it but with Advanced Routing turned on. Is 
that configuration saved somewhere? I can find some sample configs in 
the /usr/src/linux2.4.20-8d/configs directory, but are they the ones 
that were used to create the current install? I tried compiling 
straight from that directory using the "kernel-2.4.20-ppc.config" 
script. I was able to create the vmlinux file fine, but when I ran 
"make modules" I got a huge number of errors. I tried the kernel 
anyways, but the instant BootX tries to load it, the screen goes 
totally black and the machine freezes.

I downloaded a 2.4.27-pre6 kernel tree using rsync, and went through 
the make process again. This time, everything appeared to work 
correctly - no errors this time doing "make modules". I get the vmlinux 
file onto the Mac OS partition (vmlinux tarred, put on FTP server, 
pulled off FTP server, untarred with Stuffit, then copied into kernels 
folder on Mac partition) and then select it with BootX. Same 
thing...big black screen and a totally frozen machine.

I spent the evening doing more reading including stuff about video 
modes and kernel compiles. I doubt its a simple matter of specifying 
what video frame buffer to use in the BootX kernel options, but I'll 
give it a shot when I get to back to work. Probably try compiling a 
kernel again. I'm just wondering if there is an easier way to recompile 
my existing vmlinux file or configuration (which I know works) but with 
the advanced routing turned on.


Dave Wadson
IT Manager
The Chronicle-Journal