[OT] YDL 4.0

Norberto Quintanar yellowdog-general@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Tue Jul 13 10:21:00 2004

--- David Hacker <> wrote:
> OK OK sorry I was just airing a viewpoint.  I didn't know I was the
> one 
> that was going to get flammed.  I was just making a point that for
> a 
> free distro it is hard to complain when they take there time. 

I agree with your viewpoint,
<tongue in cheek>
but we're shooting for a love fest here. 
</tongue in cheek>

> Anyway 
> back to the flame war.
> The current Debian release was in December 2003 so it isn't that
> much 
> more current than YDL 3.0.1 which was release in November 2003.  As
> for 
> Gentoo, the compile from scratch isn't just for the extra
> performance.  
> It is for the ease of having an updated system without having to
> wait 
> for a formal release.  Each and every package is available the day
> it 
> is finished.  That way you already have the current version by the
> time 
> a new release is issued.  Also, it isn't like you have to issue all
> of 
> the compile commands manually.  The portage system has an emerge 
> feature, which uses ebuilds to automatically configure compile
> install 
> and remove the old version.  It was just as seamlessly as yum on
> YDL.  
> I actually use my gentoo system more than my YDL at this point.
> David C. Hacker, DVM

To install Gentoo properly would I need high speed internet access or
can I get by with the universal installer?  One of YDL's fortes is
once you go through all the CD's for an install you have a pretty
solid computer requiring minimal upgrades.  Aside from getting video
to work properly.  

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