[OT] YDL 4.0

Walt Pawley yellowdog-general@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Tue Jul 13 11:42:10 2004

On 7/13/04 12:06 PM -0400, David Hacker wrote on Re: [OT] YDL 4.0

>back to the flame war.

My flame thrower keeps running out of fuel. The high prices, you know...

>The current Debian release was in December 2003 so it isn't that much
>more current than YDL 3.0.1 which was release in November 2003.

One things that's puzzled me for a LONG time is the constant scramble to
have everything be "current" all the time. Frankly, I much prefer to get
things done well and leave them alone for a long time before making
changes. If you have real work to get done of your own using the
computer(s) you're busy scrambling the OS code on, how do you get the time
to do it if you're constantly changing the OS and its supporting cast?

Walter M. Pawley <walt@wump.org>
Wump Research & Company
676 River Bend Road, Roseburg, OR 97470