A Mac User's Guide to Linux

Clinton MacDonald yellowdog-general@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Wed Jun 2 17:21:01 2004

Mr. Giles:

Marcelo Giles wrote:
> Good idea. You really know how to stir a Mac audience, Doc.
> [...]
> I'm sure that good stories abound on this subject.

Thanks for the encouragement. Now we need to hear *your* story (everyone 
has a story). ;-)

> And let us hope that Mr. Jobs doesn't accidentaly step
> upon it (i.e. the page). I don't think that he would
> like to learn that his loyal customers (worshippers,
> in some extreme cases) are "switching" OSes in front
> of his own noses!

Oh, I don't really think we are anywhere near being on Mr. Jobs's radar! 
As far as that goes, however, Terra Soft is the *only* vendor authorized 
to sell Macs with a non-Apple operating system:


Let's hear your stories!

Best wishes,

Dr. Clinton C. MacDonald | <mailto:clint DOT macdonald AT sbcglobal DOT net>