A Mac User's Guide to Linux

Clinton MacDonald yellowdog-general@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Sat Jun 5 19:58:00 2004


Thanks to everyone for the great user stories about transitions to 
Linux. Keep them coming.

Clinton MacDonald wrote:
> Does anyone have any hints or anecdotes to share about the migration 
> from the Macintosh environment (either the classic OS or Mac OS X) to 
> Linux (especially, but not limited to Yellow Dog Linux)? I would like to 
> start a page on the YDL-FAQ with migration issues, and your input would 
> be great.

Here are those humble beginnings:


Ultimately, I hope there will be several sub-sections to the "Moving to 
Linux" section of the YDL FAQ Web site (thanks, again, to Bill Longman 
for maintaining the site). However, starting with YDL user stories has 
been a great start. I have one or two additional stories to add (thanks, 
folks!), but these will give us some flavor.

Let me know any more stories you have about your transition to Yellow 
Dog Linux, or your thoughts on the relationship of Linux to Macs, or 
just about anything (keep it clean -- yes, I'm looking at *you*). Also, 
if you have thoughts on what else should be part of the site, *please* 
let me know! And don't make me beg. :-)

Best wishes,

Dr. Clinton C. MacDonald | <mailto:clint DOT macdonald AT sbcglobal DOT net>