I'm Stuck

Arch and Cath yellowdog-general@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Thu Jun 10 07:11:17 2004

My computer is a Beige G3 w Version 3 motherboard (366MHz) with 640MB RAM.
The processor has been updated with a ZIP G4 (553MHz) and has SCSI and
USB/Firewire cards.

At first I couldn't get the YDL 3.0.1 installer to recognize the 9GB SCSI
drive.  Moved the drive from the Apple SCSI card to the internal bus (0-2)
and, according to anaconda, got a good install.

Revised BootX to normal kernel, /dev/sda6 and no ramdisk.   Boot fails with:
UDF-fs No partition found - Kernel panic.   VFS: Unable to mount root fs on

By using BOOT kernel, BootX "linux rescue" argument and holding down Control
key got 3.0.1 to boot up in RESCUE.

Once booted up, examination of /etc/fstab revealed:

/dev/sda6               /                   ext3
none                        /dev/pts        devpts
none                        /proc             proc
none                        /dev/shm       tempfs
/dev/sda7               swap               swap
/dev/cdrom              /mnt/cdrom  udf............
/dev/sdb4                 /mnt/zip

Tried BootX kernel arguments "root=/dev/sda6" and "root=806" with normal
kernel.    No joy!

It appears that this is a kernel problem with Old World SCSI

It was suggested that the linux-powermac-ow-scsi-2.4-benh-2.4.25-ben1 kernel
might be the answer.  After looking at it, that appears to be so.

But how do we get there?   The only way YDL 3.0.1 will bootup now is in
"linux rescue" mode.   In that mode, ethernet doesn't work so I can't
download the benh stuff.  (In 2.3, eth0 is there on boot -- in 3.0.1 rescue,
the sys says it can't find eth0)

So I go back to my old YDL 2.3 distro and download the benh stuff and start
to work.    But  then I realize that I had to format to ext2 to get to 2.3
and will have to reformat to ext3 to get back to YDL 3.01.  Everything will

It seems to me that when I had 2.3 in a couple of years ago, I could use my
ZIP to bring stuff back and forth between linux and MacOS.  The ZIP is Mac
Std format and I tell 2.3 fstab that the ZIP format is either auto or hfs --
neither works.   I had it in mind to store the files I built in 2.3 on the
ZIP and then import them to 3.0.1.    On further reflection, however, I
realize that without the BenH system that is on my SCSI ZIP, 3.01 can't see
my ZIP.

