Blender rpm?

Tue Jun 15 13:34:01 2004

On Tue, 2004-06-15 at 08:09, Francis X. Maier wrote:
> Thanks Andrew.  I had found this site, but I'm still very fuzzy, after 
> all these months, about where to actually install the tar.gz  Your 
> counsel?
> Fran

no prob.. .tar.gz is a compressed archive. just like .zip or .sit.. It
can lay about anywhere you want.

# ~/ is a shortcut for '/home/user_name'. So <~/apps/blender...>
# is the very same as </home/andrew/apps/blender...>.

I downloaded mine into my downloads directory (~/downs/), used a
terminal to unstuff the file:
	]$ cd ~/downs
	]$ tar zxvf blender<hit TAB key here>
You now have two blender* thingy. the .tar.gz file and a folder that
probly wear the same name without the suffixes. I then used konqueror to
move the blender* folder into ~/apps/. I know 'mv' command exist but I
never managed to have it move more than a file at a time (!) and it
won't move folders at all (?!). I guess I su*k with
fingers must be too big!!. You may consider renaming the folder for
something shorter. I then added an item into the Graphics section of the
kmenu for a Quick & Efficient way to launch blender. Here is what the
'command' box is filled with: 


I hope Im clear enough ;)
