Yum/HD issues

Clinton MacDonald yellowdog-general@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Fri Jun 18 17:39:01 2004

Mr. Whitesides:

Jason Warm wrote:
> Installing the hard drive in a Wall Street is a breeze. If you take
> out your battery and CD-ROM you will feel a latch on each side of the
> top inside of those areas. You pop those back and your keyboard will
> pop up.  Underneath the keyboard on the right hand back side of the
> laptop is the hard drive. Simply unscrew the old one, pop it out and
> put the new one in.

Mr. Warm is right, replacing the hard drive in your Wallstreet is not
difficult (even *I* can do it). However, he is wrong on one minor point
that might slip you up. You cannot "unscrew" the old hard drive because
it is not held in place with screws. You will need to find a Torx T-8
driver (like a mini-allen head driver) to remove the hard drive. You
will also need a standard Phillips head screwdriver to remove the heat
shield that covers the CPU card and hard drive.

Good luck!

Best wishes,

Dr. Clinton C. MacDonald | <mailto:clint DOT macdonald AT sbcglobal DOT net>