how to bring up non-X console windows?

Clinton MacDonald
Mon Mar 1 16:18:01 2004

Mr. Poole:

Andrew Poole wrote:
> I suppose I need to bring up a console window so I can fool around to 
> begin to diagnose it. Problem is, its an old keyboard, and I don't know 
> what the key combo is to bring up a console window. I have apple, 
> option, shift, and control buttons if that helps. Anyone know the 
> correct key combo?

I do not know the answer to your first question, but I can help you with 
this. To go to a new console, choose control-option-Fn, where "Fn" is 
one of the function keys from F1 to F6 (F7 brings you back to your KDE 
or Gnome window).

Good luck!

Best wishes,

Dr. Clinton C. MacDonald | <mailto:clint DOT macdonald AT sbcglobal DOT net>