Mozilla PSM

Sat Mar 6 11:24:01 2004

Direct contact is ok, but over the list allows others to benefit from  
our problems and solutions.
If you have the mozilla-psm installed, I'm stumped. You should be able  
to access your secure sites.
There are two other security packages associated with mozilla:
you might wabt to make sure those are installed as well. Beyond that,  
I'm stymied.
Mayhaps someone else on the list  may be able to help out

For what it's worth, here is the output of my "yum list mozilla*"
Gathering package information from servers
Getting headers from: Yellow Dog Linux 3.0 freshrpms
Finding updated packages
Downloading needed headers
Looking in Available Packages:
Name                                     Arch       Version

Looking in Installed Packages:
Name                                     Arch       Version
mozilla                                  ppc        1.2.1-22a
mozilla-devel                            ppc        1.2.1-22a
mozilla-mail                             ppc        1.2.1-22a
mozilla-nspr                             ppc        1.2.1-22a
mozilla-nspr-devel                       ppc        1.2.1-22a
mozilla-nss                              ppc        1.2.1-22a
mozilla-nss-devel                        ppc        1.2.1-22a
mozilla-psm                              ppc        1.2.1-22a


	It's what you make it man
	Takes time
	A little bit
	A little bit more

			-The Minutemen
On Mar 5, 2004, at 5:26 PM, Marc Lanskey wrote:
