YDL 4.0

Ryan Nix yellowdog-general@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Wed May 26 13:38:01 2004

It comes out Mid-June according to yesterday's mailing.  It will be 
based on FC2.  2.6.6 kernel

Clinton MacDonald wrote:

> Helge:
> helgegrimm@abitours.net wrote:
>> I'm running YDL 3.0.1 on several "Old World" Macs (7600s with upgrade
>> cards, Beige G3). It runs great - it even recognized really cheap
>> generic USB ($4.99) and FireWire ($9.99) cards, USB scroll mice and
>> an iPod via plug and play.
> Wow -- that is very nice. I am about to load YDL onto a Power Mac 
> 7500, and that is all good news.
>> Now I learned that YDL 4.0 will only "be supported" on "new world"
>> Macs. What does that mean? Will it really be impossible to install it
>> on older machines?
> I do not know the answer to this question. However, I have to ask: 
> where does one learn about YDL 4? I have not seen anything on Terra 
> Soft's Web site. Have I missed an important announcement? Is this an 
> Internet rumor? Is more information available to subscribers to YDL.net?
> Thanks!
> Best wishes,
> Clint
> (who feels so out-of-the-loop)