Does Red Hack suck?

R. McFarlane ydl at
Mon Nov 8 01:49:28 MST 2004

At 07:30 PM 11/7/2004, Eric Dunbar, had this to say :


         I actually plan on getting a Pismo and the 900Mhz upgrade as I 
have discussed the usability of an upgrade with another upgrade company and 
they tell me they have tested their upgrades in YDL and they work fine. 
This is likely due to the fact that the upgrades are real CPUs but running 
at the faster rates and as such, they require no software to operate 
(overly simplistic but I think we all get the idea).

         If my Pismo has a large enough HD and enough RAM I might also 
install 10, but I'll cross that bridge when I get there. :D


R. McFarlane

cross platform specialist
Mac - Linux - windows

McFarlane Computing
on-site/remote tutorials, support & training
(phone) 391-8972
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(email) techie @ mcfarlanecomputing . net 

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