Graphics in YellowDogLinux 4.0

Owen Stampflee ostampflee at
Mon Nov 22 20:07:34 MST 2004

> I just installed the YDL 4.0 and I as well as other are less than satisfied.
> I was disappointed to see that my Powerbook g4 (1ghz 1, 1gig of ram, radeon
> 9000 mobility) in terms of graphics still sucks in YDL.  I also feel
> disappointed that I can not run 3d apps with 3d acceleration which is what I
> would like.  
3D should work on that machine, you'll have edit your
/etc/X11/XF86Config to enable DRI and use the radeon driver but it
should work. We dont enable this by default as it can cause problems,
and we chose the safe route.

>     However, I impressed with the overall speed improvements with YDL 4.0, I
> feel that it runs much smoother than 3.x.  However, I feel that at least in
> the powerbook lines the models are to generalized considering that each
> version of powerbook has at least 4 or 5 different models.  Also, one thing
> that I have just not had time to check on is weather bug (feature in osx bug
> in linux) that was introduced with the latest firmware update from apple.
> The one that does not allow the powerbook g4 1ghz to run at 1ghz but rather
> 667 mhz.
Interesting, I thought this issue was fixed a long time ago.
>     I just want to say that I thank the development team for the efforts and
> I hope they continue to work things out.  Something that I think that some
> people don't understand is that linux is always a work in progress and
> things are never perfect unless you build things from the ground up and know
> exactly what you are doing.
Thank you. We often make choices that the community doesnt like, but we
hope everyone understands if we explain why we did such a thing.


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