Yums for YDL4.0?

Matthias Saou thias at spam.spam.spam.spam.spam.spam.spam.egg.and.spam.freshrpms.net
Tue Oct 5 08:32:49 MDT 2004

Daniel Spieler wrote :

> i've just updated my mac YDL 4.0 and, as a fedora user, i'm very happy 
> with it so far.  However, the first thing that I started to do was to add
> mp3 support for xmms and, well, the preconfigured ydl 4.0 locations in
> yum appear not to exist yet.  ok, I can live with that for now.  but... 
> this means i need to find some way to get some of these ppc rpms.  poking
> around has failed to turn up some mp3 support yet.  Livna repositories 
> seem to be just i386 and x86_64.
> Anyone have any thoughts?  (also, if there are correct yum reps for ydl4,
> it would be cool to find that out also).

I've rebuilt most of my packages for YDL4. Spec file tweaks and patches to
fix the ones that haven't yet been rebuilt are welcome!
Just add to your yum.conf :

name=Yellow Dog Linux $releasever - $basearch - freshrpms

And run as root :
rpm --import http://freshrpms.net/packages/RPM-GPG-KEY.txt
(if you haven't yet imported my public key with rpm)


Clean custom Red Hat Linux rpm packages : http://freshrpms.net/
Fedora Core release 2.91 (FC3 Test 2) - Linux kernel 2.6.8-1.521.dell
Load : 0.42 0.40 0.39

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