A few things

Steve Roy yellowdog-general@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Sun, 05 Sep 2004 19:47:42 -0400

Hi everyone,

I posted this on the yellowdog-newbie mailing list but didn't get any=20
reaction so maybe those questions are better for this list instead. :)

I installed YDL about two weeks ago and had never tried Linux before,=20
so I think I'm a newbie. However, with the amount of things I had to do=20=

to get MOL running=97long story=97I've discovered quite a bit. So let's=20=

see. Things are running alright in general with YDL but there are a few=20=

little things. I was initially going to wait for YDL 4.0, but since I=20
had time now and the need to, I decided to go ahead and start playing=20
with the current 3.0.1 release, and I've upgraded to the 2.4.22-2g=20

- The mounted Mac OS X volume is non-writable. I can read stuff from=20
it, but not write to it, but this is intermitten. I boot and it works.=20=

I boot another time and it doesn't work. It seems today random and I=20
haven't figured out what drives this lottery. Is this a known issue?

- I can't add or move things on the desktop. Again, this is=20
intermittent like the problem above, so this might be related to the=20
same underlying issue. I checked the permissions on the Desktop=20
directory and they look OK. It works fine on a given boot, and doesn't=20=

on another boot. How do I fix this doc?

- I installed Thunderbird using yum but it's version 0.6. I tried=20
installing the latest 0.7.3 that I downloaded from mozilla.org but when=20=

I try to run it I get an error saying thunderbird-bin can't be=20
executed. How can I get the latest Thunderbird running? Or is there an=20=

RPM of the 0.7.3 release available somewhere?

- How can I make icons for things like Thunderbird or MOL in my task=20
bar? I looked at the properties of some of the existing icons I have=20
now and it seems like it's just a matter of assigning the command line=20=

to execute and give it an icon, but how do I create one of these icon=20
thingies? Where is that in the Add menu?

- Font anti-aliasing is turned on, or so it says, but it doesn't seem=20
to work. It's visible especially in Firefox when I surf the web that=20
fonts are all jagged. Other apps also have the same problem. However=20
anti-aliasing works in Thunderbird, go figure. Is there something I'm=20
missing? Do I have to active it for specific applications? Or maybe=20
certain fonts don't support anti-aliasing? (I'm grasping at straws=20
here, as you can tell...) Just to be sure, the variable width font I=20
have selected in Firefox is adobe-times.

- I enabled the trackpad by editing /etc/sysconfig/trackpad to set=20
TRACKPAD_OPT to "drag", and this is another thing that is working=20
intermittently. How does this lottery work doc? Anybody else see this?

- I turned on automatic login but it doesn't work. I did this in=20
Control Center --> System Administration --> Login Manager -->=20
Convenience. The "Enable auto-login" box is checked, my user account is=20=

selected. What else is there that I need to do?

- Is there a way we can change the "flower" login screen? :)

- I'm looking for a way to make screen shots. With Google I found that=20=

I can use the 'import' command, which works, but since I have to type=20
it in a terminal, this means the window(s) I actually want to take a=20
screen shot of are in the background. How do I get around that. I see=20
that I can use the -window option, but how I do I specify the window I=20=

want? Another thing that might help would be a delay before the shot is=20=

taken, but I don't see any such option. Or maybe there is another=20
utility that can take screen shots?

Thanks for any hints you may have.

Steve Roy <sroy@mac.com>
Personal homepage: <http://homepage.mac.com/sroy>
Projects homepage: <http://www.roydesign.net>=