Semi newbie question Read-Only

Sun, 05 Sep 2004 22:00:50 -0400

David C. Hacker, DVM wrote:

> Sorry I need to update the FAQ.  First you have to just add a new 
> line  to your old yum.conf file for freshrpms
> Then do a yum update yum.  This will give you version 2 of yum which  
> can use the new yum.conf file.  I had forgotten that the original yum  
> wouldn't read the links with ? marks in them.  Sorry.  Once you 
> install  the new yum.  Use the yum.conf from the FAQ and do yum update 
> and you  will get the new kernel and all other updates.
> David C. Hacker, DVM


Oops!  Can someone post a copy of the original yum.conf file from  
v3.0.1?  I thought I would be good to go with the one from the faq and 
just overwrote my original.  TIA!

Just a message from Doug...